Module dropkick.util

Utility functions for scoring dropkick logistic regression model

Expand source code
Utility functions for scoring dropkick logistic regression model
import math
import warnings
import scanpy as sc
import numpy as np
from joblib import Parallel, delayed
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from sklearn.base import clone
from sklearn.exceptions import UndefinedMetricWarning

from .scorer import check_scoring

def _score_lambda_path(
    est, adata, y, n_hvgs, sample_weight, relative_penalties, scoring, n_jobs, verbose
    Score each model found by glmnet using cross validation.

    est : estimator
        The previously fitted estimator.

    adata : AnnData object with scaled input features in .X

    y : array, shape (n_samples,)
        Target values.

    n_hvgs : int, number of highly-variable genes to select
        in each training set

    sample_weight : array, shape (n_samples,)
        Weight of each row in X.

    relative_penalties: array, shape (n_features,)
        Relative weight vector for penalty.
        0 entries remove penalty.

    scoring : string, callable or None
        Scoring method to apply to each model.

    n_jobs: int
        Maximum number of threads to use for scoring models.

    verbose : bool
        Emit logging data and warnings when True.

    scores : array, shape (n_lambda,)
        Scores for each value of lambda over all cv folds.
    hvgs : index, names of hvgs selected from training set
    X = adata.X.copy()  # take .X layer as input features
    scorer = check_scoring(est, scoring)
    cv_split = est._cv.split(X, y)

    # We score the model for every value of lambda, for classification
    # models, this will be an intercept-only model, meaning it predicts
    # the same class regardless of the input. Obviously, this makes some of
    # the scikit-learn metrics unhappy, so we are silencing these warnings.
    # Also note, catch_warnings is not thread safe.
    with warnings.catch_warnings():
        action = "always" if verbose else "ignore"
        warnings.simplefilter(action, UndefinedMetricWarning)

        scores, hvgs = zip(
            *Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs, verbose=verbose, backend="threading")(
                for (train_idx, test_idx) in cv_split

    return scores, hvgs

def _fit_and_score(
    Fit and score a single model.

    est : estimator
        The previously fitted estimator.

    scorer : callable
        The scoring function to apply to each model.

    adata : AnnData object with scaled input features in .X

    y : array, shape (n_samples,)
        Target values.

    n_hvgs : int, number of highly-variable genes to select
        in each training set

    sample_weight : array, shape (n_samples,)
        Weight of each row in X.

    relative_penalties: array, shape (n_features,)
        Relative weight vector for penalty.
        0 entries remove penalty.

    score_lambda_path : array, shape (n_lambda,)
        The lambda values to evaluate/score.

    train_inx : array, shape (n_train,)
        Array of integers indicating which rows from X, y are in the training
        set for this fold.

    test_inx : array, shape (n_test,)
        Array of integers indicating which rows from X, y are in the test
        set for this fold.

    scores : array, shape (n_lambda,)
        Scores for each value of lambda for a single cv fold.
    hvgs : index, names of hvgs selected from training set
    a = adata[train_inx, :].copy()  # select training set for fold
    a.X = a.layers["log1p_norm"].copy()  # use log1p-transformed counts to calc HVGs
        a, n_top_genes=n_hvgs, flavor="seurat", inplace=True
    )  # determine HVGs with Seurat method
    X = adata.X[
        :, a.var.highly_variable
    ].copy()  # X becomes scaled counts for all cells in HVGs only
    m = clone(est)
    m = m._fit(
        X[train_inx, :], y[train_inx], sample_weight[train_inx], relative_penalties

    lamb = np.clip(score_lambda_path, m.lambda_path_[-1], m.lambda_path_[0])
    return (
        scorer(m, X[test_inx, :], y[test_inx], lamb=lamb),

def _fix_lambda_path(lambda_path):
    Replace the first value in lambda_path (+inf) with something more
    reasonable. The method below matches what is done in the R/glmnet wrapper.
    if lambda_path.shape[0] > 2:
        lambda_0 = math.exp(2 * math.log(lambda_path[1]) - math.log(lambda_path[2]))
        lambda_path[0] = lambda_0
    return lambda_path

def _check_user_lambda(lambda_path, lambda_best=None, lamb=None):
    Verify the user-provided value of lambda is acceptable and ensure this
    is a 1-d array.

    lambda_path : array, shape (n_lambda,)
        The path of lambda values as found by glmnet. This must be in
        decreasing order.

    lambda_best : float, optional
        The value of lambda producing the highest scoring model (found via
        cross validation).

    lamb : float, array, or None
        The value(s) of lambda for which predictions are desired. This must
        be provided if `lambda_best` is None, meaning the model was fit with
        cv_folds < 1.

    lamb : array, shape (n_lambda,)
        The value(s) of lambda, potentially clipped to the range of values in

    if lamb is None:
        if lambda_best is None:
            raise ValueError(
                "You must specify a value for lambda or run "
                "with cv_folds > 1 to select a value "
        lamb = lambda_best

    # ensure numpy math works later
    lamb = np.array(lamb, ndmin=1)
    if np.any(lamb < lambda_path[-1]) or np.any(lamb > lambda_path[0]):
            "Some values of lamb are outside the range of "
            "lambda_path_ [{}, {}]".format(lambda_path[-1], lambda_path[0]),
    np.clip(lamb, lambda_path[-1], lambda_path[0], lamb)

    return lamb

def _interpolate_model(lambda_path, coef_path, intercept_path, lamb):
    Interpolate coefficients and intercept between values of lambda.

    lambda_path : array, shape (n_lambda,)
        The path of lambda values as found by glmnet. This must be in
        decreasing order.

    coef_path : array, shape (n_features, n_lambda) or
        (n_classes, n_features, n_lambda)
        The path of coefficients as found by glmnet.

    intercept_path : array, shape (n_lambda,) or (n_classes, n_lambda)
        The path of intercepts as found by glmnet.

    coef : array, shape (n_features, n_lambda) or
        (n_classes, n_features, n_lambda)
        The interpolated path of coefficients.

    intercept : array, shape (n_lambda,) or (n_classes, n_lambda)
        The interpolated path of intercepts.
    if lambda_path.shape[0] == 1:
            "lambda_path has a single value, this may be an " "intercept-only model.",
        coef = np.take(coef_path, 0, axis=-1)
        intercept = np.take(intercept_path, 0, axis=-1)
        coef = interp1d(lambda_path, coef_path)(lamb)
        intercept = interp1d(lambda_path, intercept_path)(lamb)

    return coef, intercept